ok, time to recycle the portfolio. This will be done every 6-months. also, there will be a 20% stop loss on each stock. if i had that originally, OTE would have sold at a 20% loss instead of a 32.64 % loss. since i started this on 4/15 the total portfolio is at right arounf 7%. not bad for a little less than 6 months. After a year i think we will see some pretty good results. This has been recycled as of friday 10/1/2010. the next recycle will be 4/01/2011 ( 6 months ). there will be no more adding stocks along the way and we will keep some of the stocks that still fit the system.
4/15/2010-anh-@6.80 +5.90 keep
4/15/2010-pdli-@6.26 -15.50% keep (still fits system )
4/15/2010-hts-@25.29 +14.45% keep
4/20/2010-ote-@5.27 - 32.65% sold ( 20% stop loss next time )
6/9/2010- do-@57.10 +19.90 keep
6/9/2010- dxr- @10.00 -7.30 sold
6/9-/2010 mail- @4.74 +27.60 keep
6/9/2010- rep- @19.00 +35.70 sold
Adding 3 more stocks to the group...
6/29/2010- UVE-@4.20 +4.52 keep6/29/2010- E-@36.75 +17.95 keep6/29/2010- TOT-@44.68 +15.80 keep
here is the new 6-month recycle portfolio------
4/15/2010-anh-@6.80 +5.90
4/15/2010-pdli-@6.26 -15.50%
4/15/2010-hts-@25.29 +14.45%
6/9/2010- do-@57.10 +19.90
6/9-/2010 mail- @4.74 +27.60
6/29/2010- UVE-@4.20 +4.52
6/29/2010- E-@36.75 +17.95
6/29/2010- TOT-@44.68 +15.80
10/1/2010- ALTE-@19.93
10/1/2010- CIM-@3.96
10/1/2010- ELNK-@8.74
10/1/2010- FMR-@10.08
10/1/2010- PRGN-@3.96
10/1/2010- QCCO-@3.72